My Journey to a Data-Driven Career

Let me take you on a journey through my career choices, a path that led me from Animal Science to the captivating world of data analysis. You see, I initially embarked on my career as a lab assistant, assisting researchers in the field of animal science. Little did I know that I'd soon become well-versed in data analysis. In that lab, I frequently found myself utilizing tools like Excel, spreadsheets, and even SPSS to process and interpret research data gathered by our team of scientists.

My fascination with numbers and problem-solving began much earlier, back in my high school days. It was then that my love for mathematics blossomed. I competed in math Olympiads and, to my delight, secured the top spot in the district competition more than once. Today, my passion for math remains strong as I actively teach math to high school and middle school students in my free time.

Sharing a rented house with friends majoring in mathematics has opened doors to fascinating discussions and learning opportunities. It was through these interactions that I ventured into tutoring, offering my expertise on platforms like Qanda and Zenius. The guidance and insights from my fellow math enthusiasts played a pivotal role in my journey.

While I never regretted choosing Animal Science as my field of study, I couldn't shake the feeling that my mathematical talents were waiting for a broader canvas. My love for the agriculture world remained unwavering, yet I yearned to put my mathematical prowess to work in a meaningful way within the field.

My ultimate goal is to bridge these two worlds, to leverage Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create practical solutions for the agricultural and farming industries. I aspire to develop tools and systems that not only enhance efficiency but also have a positive impact on the lives of many.

خَيْرُ الناسِ أَنفَعُهُم لِلنَّاسِ

"The best of people are those most beneficial to others." (Hadith narrated by ath-Thabrani)